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The Southern North Sea Pool

The Southern North Sea Pool (SNS Pool) is an integrated fourth party logistics concept (4-PL) where nine Operators outsourced their combined marine requirements and their helicopter requirements to one logistics facilitator. The development of this unique and innovative concept was initiated in 1993 and started with various smaller scale arrangements which evolved in 2002 in the establishment of the SNS Pool for marine extended with helicopter logistics since 2006.

The SNS Pool has centralised its combined marine, air and supply base operations in Den Helder, the geographically best situated location for the Southern North Sea.

The main objectives of the SNS Pool are:

  • to maximise efficiency by combining volumes, distance and capacity
  • to maximise safety by setting minimum quality standards and standardisation of safety rules and regulations
  • to minimise exposure to the environment by reducing sailing and flying distances
  • In addition to providing storage, port and airport facilities, the Logistics facilitator is also responsible for the chartering and (safety) management of the Supply Vessels, the allocation of the roundtrips of all vessels and helicopters and the planning of the routing for each roundtrip. To cope with this extremely complex planning process, custom made SNS Pool software was developed. This software also calculates and allocates each partner's share of all the operational costs involved, taking into account variable factors, such as actually used capacity and handling time per Offshore Installation. All operators are finally invoiced fast and accurate by the logistic facilitator with only one invoice per month. All underlying figures can be easily accessed by the SNS Pool partners via web based applications. Latest on-line information as to vessel's and helicopter routes, ETA's and cargoes is available to the Offshore Installations at any time. Site visitors log in with passwords through secure gateways and cannot gain entry to other files but their own.

    For further information on marine requirements please contact SNS Pool Management, e-mail:

    For further information on aviation requirements please contact Mark Hol:

    Mission Statement:
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